You Are Significant

April 7, 2018

Never let the words of others and social norms dictate the level of your significance. Rather work hard to show them why they need someone such as yourself.

Great day everyone! I am a firm believer that every one of us is unique and wonderfully gifted to fulfill a particular purpose in life. But we will never fulfill that purpose if we allow society to dictate to us where our talents and abilities should line up on in a free market society. The famous writer/activist Audrey Lorde once said,

“If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive”

Too many of us allow society to dictate to us the level of our significance. And when we do that we yield our power to people who, more times than not, relegate us to a shell of who we are. Reclaim your power today. Define yourself, for yourself. Show the world why we need someone such as yourself!

Be Blessed